Discovering the beauty of blooming flowers in North Bush Highway in Arizona
Travel your wayDiscovering the beauty of blooming flowers in North Bush Highway in Arizona When I was a child growing up in Arizona, I never really paid much attention to the desert landscape around me. To me, it was just a barren wasteland filled with cacti and rocks. But all that changed one spring when I discovered the beauty of blooming flowers along North... Discovering the beauty of blooming flowers in North Bush Highway in Arizonaadmin

Travel your way
Discovering the beauty of blooming flowers in North Bush Highway in Arizona
When I was a child growing up in Arizona, I never really paid much attention to the desert landscape around me. To me, it was just a barren wasteland filled with cacti and rocks. But all that changed one spring when I discovered the beauty of blooming flowers along North Bush Highway.
It all started one day when my parents took me for a drive along the highway. As we drove, I noticed something different about the landscape. It was covered in a sea of vibrant colors – reds, yellows, purples, pinks, and blues. At first, I thought it was a mirage, but as we got closer, I realized that it was actually a carpet of wildflowers in full bloom.
All photos by Hasanur Khan
I was in awe of the sheer beauty of it all. I begged my parents to stop the car so I could get out and take a closer look. As I walked amongst the flowers, I noticed that each one was unique – some had delicate petals, while others were more robust and prickly. The fragrance in the air was incredible, and I felt like I was in a dream.
From that day on, I made it a mission to explore the North Bush Highway during the springtime every year. Each year, I was amazed by the different flowers that bloomed and how they changed the landscape. I learned the names of the flowers – Lupine, Indian paintbrush, desert marigold, and many others.
As I grew older, I realized that the blooming flowers on North Bush Highway symbolized something more significant. It represented the power of nature and the resilience of life in even the harshest environments. It reminded me that beauty can be found in unexpected places and that there is always something new to discover. Check out A wild horse and the hurricane season is coming in Arizona
You cannot discover the inner beauty of a person from a crowd. You have to spend enough time with that person and only then, slowly you will be able to see the glow of inner beauty from that person. When you are in love with the inner beauty, you know that you are in true love and it will not fade away. In a very similar way, when you are standing in front of a field full of poppy, definitely it is a beautiful sight but it is more like an external beauty of flowers. Then, how to discover the inner beauty of flowers? How about getting closer to the flowers and spend more time? As you get closer and closer, you start to reveal the beauty in different dimensions. You are sure to be amazed by the artistic texture of the petals, the precise balance of different colors, how the petals are holding or connected to each other, a little twist here and there and how the morning dews are resting on them. If you see closely, each flower is different just like each of us and so is its inner beauty.
All photos by Hasanur Khan
To this day, I still make it a point to visit North Bush Highway during the springtime. It is a tradition that has been passed down to my children, and they too, have fallen in love with the beauty of blooming flowers in the desert. The memories of those moments of discovery will always hold a special place in my heart.
Discovering the beauty of blooming flowers in North Bush Highway in Arizona