How To Travel Alone: The Ultimate Guide For Solo Adventures
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How To Travel Alone: The Ultimate Guide For Solo Adventures
People that have never traveled alone often describe their first solo trip as an almost religious experience. Taking in a brand new environment unfiltered by the prejudices, tastes, or preferences of a travel companion can be exhilarating. Solo travel allows you to indulge fully. Of course, traveling alone has its pitfalls - like safety concerns, loneliness, and the dreaded single room. Nevertheless, small preparation and also common sense can save you cash and get you with the rough spots. Solo travel can be the ultimate kind of self-indulgence; you can rest when you want to and unwind when you're feeling enthusiastic. Another advantage is that your errors are your very own, and your triumphs are all the more exciting. You don't have to worry that your insistence on hiking across town to a museum that was closed ruined your partner's day; it's your day to salvage or chalk up as a learning experience.
Safety Concerns
Travel alone is a wonderful experience and an exhilarating thrill ride. However, it can be a little scary and uncertain. You're basically by yourself when you set out in a foreign country. Depending on the country you're traveling to, it can be a little intimidating, and you may be reluctant to explore areas that you're not familiar with. Solo travel also comes with dangers. You may be carrying valuables or other valuable items that you don't want to lose. You may have to deal with money situations and accommodations or tourist attractions that aren't the best. Furthermore, you could run into issues with social customs. If you're not comfortable traveling in a group, try to pick a country where your accommodations are on a budget.
Loneliness can creep up on you very quickly. The first few days can be tough and leave you wondering what your life would be like if you were married or with children. That's why it's so important to choose a place with a good airport so you can leave on a whim. Knowing that you're always welcome to take up a new hobby at the local library or museum can be empowering. As you do your research study, you might encounter advertisements for overnight hook-ups for women with little children that are quite literally in the back of the book. Stay away from this place - unless you want to mooch some hot mother-pig, that is. Lonely nights are the price of solo travel, but they are also the price of a once-in-a-lifetime trip.
Single Room Supplement
Unless you've got an amazing built-in safety net, like a guaranteed job or a family member you can rely on for support, traveling alone can be tricky. You may not be prepared for the costs of traveling when you're on your own. For example, when I spent a month in Rome, Rome, Italy, for my honeymoon, I was shocked to find out that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in Manila would only give me a $200 credit for a single room. The hotel was charging over $300 for a single room, so I had to pay the difference, which amounted to more than $500, out of my pocket. Rates are similar in other countries - for instance, I was offered a $150 room in Cartagena, Colombia, for my next month-long trip. This is one reason why it's best to look up average room rates in advance.
The idea of traveling solo isn't for everyone. So before you jump on the adventure, be sure you are fully ready and that the activity is on your bucket list. The solo traveler lifestyle is both liberating and fun - so why wouldn't you give it a try?
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